To share the hope of Jesus with the sick and suffering
Joy is preparing to move to Soddo, Ethiopia to serve alongside Soddo Christian Hospital. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Joy was living in New York City and working as a nurse practitioner in orthopaedic surgery. Due to the pandemic, she had the opportunity to help in the ICU as her hospital experienced an overwhelming influx of severely ill patients. She found an interest in ICU care and subsequently completed a critical care fellowship. Joy is grateful to now have an opportunity to utilize her training in health care to serve those in need and to use medical care as a means to share the hope of Jesus.

Ethiopia is located in the eastern corner of Africa known as “the horn of Africa.” It is bordered by Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan, South Sudan and Kenya.
Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa with a population of approximately 120 million and is one of the fastest-growing nations in the world.
Ethiopia is one of the world’s poorest nations, ranking 32nd in 2023. Poverty and inadequate sanitation are significant challenges for the country. With a population that is largely rural and agricultural, Ethiopia has poor access to safe water, housing, sanitation, food and health services.
Access to quality healthcare is very limited. Ethiopia struggles with infectious diseases, lack of clean water, sanitation/hygiene and malnutrition. Leading causes of death include neonatal conditions, respiratory tract infections, diarrheal diseases, road injuries and stroke.
Nursing training in Ethiopia is not ideal. According to a 2021 study (Heliyon), the clinical competency of nursing students studying in the southern region of Ethiopia was found to be unsatisfactory. Similarly, a 2019 study (IJANS) found the quality of nursing care in Ethiopia to be substandard. Numerous reasons are attributed to this including resource limitations, lack of knowledge and/or skill, and attitude. Nursing education is generalized and includes very little, if any, critical care training, as well as minimal mentorship. I will be spending the majority of my time investing in the local nurses and providing education and training resources. The goal is to equip local nurses with knowledge and skills and empower them to teach others. My hope is for them to see how the gospel impacts every area of life and that their work as nurses can be done to the glory of God!

Thank you for your interest in partnering with me! I am so excited to be a part of the work the Lord is doing in Ethiopia! Due to limited resources, the hospital is not able to pay missionary staff. This work depends on the generosity of others. The two most important ways you can partner with me:
Would you pray with me and for me as I serve overseas? Pray for the Lord’s blessing over the work being done in Soddo and that His kindness would lead people to repentance.
A few notes on financial giving:
Recurring monthly donations are of particular benefit as this helps promote sustainability
Contributions of any size or frequency are deeply appreciated!
Financial support will cover living expenses, language training, educational resources, and start-up costs including pre-field training, visa application, travel to the country, etc.
All donations are made into my account at Christian Health Service Corps and are tax-deductible
Click “Donate” below to set up a one-time or recurring donation.
*Please note that CHSC adds a 3% fee to the donation amount to cover the cost of credit card processing*
Checks payable to: Christian Health Service Corps
On memo line write: Project #205
Mail to: Christian Health Service Corps PO Box 132
Fruitvale, TX 75127 -
Text “Pierson” to 71777